Almost six years ago we made the move from Germantown to Frederick...
almost six years ago we made new friends...friends we will have for a lifetime...
almost six years ago I gave birth to the most independent, beautiful (inside and out), funny, lovely baby girl...
Here she is walking from the parking lot to school.
Here she is in front of her new school.
Here she is in front of her new school.
My teammate, Faith went to see her at lunchtime. She saw Kate eating and said to her, "Why isn't there any crust on that bread?" Kate said, "Because I don't like crust." Faith asked her who made her sandwich and Kate told her "her daddy made it"...Faith told her she was spoiled...I told Faith that her Daddy would have put pink glitter on it for her if she'd asked...he's such a good Daddy and she has him SO wrapped! Isn't life grand when you're almost six? Know what she said to me while she was telling me all about her day? "I expected school to be a lot harder, Mom. It's not hard. It wasn't real math, Mom, it was play math...we just played with connecting blocks!" And then she she had figured it all out. Isn't life grand when you're almost six? Tonight we're having a "First Day of School Feast"...know what she requested? Steak, fish, mashed potatoes, and rice...and guess what..."her Daddy" has it all ready for her. Isn't life grand when you're almost six?
Oh, yeah...let's not boys :-)...
They started school yesterday and both had excellent days...
here is my very responsible 7th grader...
and my very grown up 4th grader...
Where does time go?
I owe a blog about last week while my kids were at "Camp Granny and Pop"...but that will have to wait...because today is all about my girl. Good night.