On Saturday evening, Wes and Mandy headed home and the rest of my family headed to the beach house to be with Pop, Granny, Lisa, and little Francis (Big Francis had to work.) This is an annual trip that we all look forward to!
Sunday was kind of cloudy and rainy, and we were exhausted from the night before (we got in at 1am), so we had a laid back day and went to the movies...G Force was the movie of choice...HOLLA!...we came back to the beach house and had a delicious dinner of rockfish (remember those big fish on the dock?!?!) The kids rode bikes and we all hung out...just happy to be together.
Monday we spent the whole day on the beach... 
and hit the boardwalk in the evening
(Robert's old stomping grounds)...

On Tuesday we had to say goodbye to Robert and Kim...but not before they BOTH got the golf ball on the tee!! If you've ever been to the beach house and tried this, I know you are amazed right now!!
We miss them a lot and can't wait to be together again.

Kate buried her legs and I turned her into a beautiful mermaid...she was very pleased!

Thank you, Granny and Pop Pop, for an amazing beach vacation!!
Later that morning, we headed to the beach to hang with the Hags...we try very hard to spend one day a summer on the beach together...it's always a highlight and we had a great day...the kids (and the dads) swam, dug a HUGE hole, and shared Grottos pizzas!
On Wednesday we headed to "the Shallow Beach"...it's the bay beach at Henlopen State Park...we love this beach...we caught a zillion hermit crabs and snails...the boys fished, and we walked REALLY far out as the tide went out...nothing like that place...if you're a kayaker you'd love it (Robert, you'll have to bring your kayak next time and we'll go there!!)

On Thursday we took a day off from the beach and went SHOPPING...now most of you are probably thinking, Karen really liked that day!! Hello?! I was shopping with my kids! :-) The kids got shoes for school, some school supplies, and we hit a couple of sales...they were actually very well behaved for a full day of shopping...we headed into Rehoboth to Nicola's for dinner...
can you say YUM?!

can you say YUM?!

Nicobolis are probably the next best thing to God.
Just kidding...family is...oh yeah, and then friends...but they're a close third.
Friday was back to the beach for Lisa, the 4 kids, and I...we went to Rehoboth later in the day and stayed past the time when the lifeguards go home...why, you ask?
The kids love skim boarding...and they also dug another HUGE HOLE that they were very proud (and protective) of!
We ended our evening with Granny's famous spaghetti and meatballs...YUM again!
We had to head home on Saturday...but not before a trip to the pool! It was another beautiful day and my parents took the kids to the pool (Lisa and I got to hit the outlets for an hour...an hour is not long, but I'm not complaining...most people come to Delaware for tax free shopping...I had KID FREE shopping for an hour...it was delightful!)
Here are a couple of beautiful pictures we took down by the water near the beach house...
So vacation has ended...what now?
The kids are actually getting excited for school, and so am I! While they're all at camp next week, I'm headed into the classroom to get it ready for my new friends. And the week after that, it's back to work...but you know what? It's been an awesome summer and I'm OK with going back soon.
Coming soon...my favorite pix from vacation!
'til then...