I can't begin to tell you (all three of you) how much I wish I could blog more than once a month...but I can't seem to do anything about it! We are so busy this spring...between the three kids we have 3 baseball teams, 1 softball team, 1 soccer team, 1 basketball team, and 1 competition dance team...makes my head swim just typing it! So far, so good...with a lot of help from friends and family! Below are the pictures from Kate's first dance competition of the year. We were in Columbia, Maryland for the Primetime Dance Competition. Her solo earned a second place and in the Top 10 high scores, and her 2 team dances also received second place...it was a great weekend!

This past weekend was Opening Day for the Urbana Jr. Hawks! Each team is announced and each player's name is called over the loud speaker...they run from home plate to first base and are greeted by the high school baseball and softball players...Bob is the head coach of Connor's 13U tournament team, assistant coach for Jake's travel team, and co-coach for Kate's softball team...he's busy, but loves it! Enjoy these shots from Opening Day!