Saturday, April 16, 2011

Robert and Kim's Visit 2011

We had such an amazing visit with Robert and Kim last week...they came in on Thursday, April 7 and stayed 'til Wednesday...we had a great balance of down time together and a lot of fun activities in six short days...the shower for my soon-to-be grandson was a definite highlight...Pat and Chip hosted so many of our family and friends who came to see Robert and Kim and shower them with was a very fun night and they were so humbled by everyone! Also, while they were here, they got to see Connor play a basketball game, Jake play 2 baseball games, and Kate turn a million cartwheels! We got to spend three short hours with Wes and Mandy on much fun to all be together again!! And then all three kids got to take off school Tuesday, and the five of them went ice skating...well, Kim didn't skate, obviously. Oh, yeah...and of course, I can't forget to metion the trip to Urgent Care for both Robert and I...for him, an antibiotic, for me, muscle relaxers...good news...we're both fine now. Have I mentioned how freakin' cute my daughter-in-law is?!? She is such a beautiful pregnant woman. are a few pictures and a see the movie, click on the words "Robert and Kim visit 2011" below. More pictures in about two more months...when we travel to Tennessee to meet our grandson!!

Cutting the cake with Grandma...

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