...and its all good...
Let's start with Jake Wills...his U12 Urbana team made it all the way to the championship game...he played his mighty heart out...both sets of grandparents say he was by far the MVP of the game ('cause they're not biased!) The end result was not what we had all hoped...it was a good game, but Jake's team lost by five...
...as if that wasn't excitement enough...Connor's middle school varsity team began their tournament Saturday night with a win against Crestwood...then on to the semi finals Sunday night against Middletown...Connor Wills got into the game with 2 minutes left and scored the last 2 points of the game on a fade away...it was a great moment...we won 52-32!...and then last night...the championship game against Monocacy...who were undefeated until 2 weeks ago when we beat them by three points! So...guess what happened? WE WON by THREE POINTS again!! The Urbana Hawks Middle School Varisty team are the Mid-Maryland Champions! The first picture is by far my favorite...I love pictures of people from the back...I love that they are all standing as a team...and I love that CW is smack between the two tallest players ;-)!