the beach...we got away for a whole three days (don't be too jealous) between baseball tournaments! We were fortunate to have the Lacys join us...we had a great time...the first day was gorgeous and we spent the whole day on the beach...the next day was sort of stormy, so we went the movies and then Bob took the kids crabbing for three hours...this was probably the highlight of their trip! They caught a ton of crabs, 10 were keepers, so they brought them home and did what any good crabber does...cooked 'em and ate 'em!! Take a look... 

the 4th of July...we always head to "The Woods" to spend time with Aunt Sandi and Steve have a house there...they throw a great party and we watch fireworks from their patio...we were again with the Lacys, as well as my Mom and Dad, my cousin Wes and his girlfriend, Mandy, my cousins Jenn and Bryan and their three adorable kids, and many other fun people...this party was on July 3rd...the next morning we awoke VERY early to head home...want to guess why?!?!

baseball!! Jake's U8 travel team is competing in the State Championships, and we were due in Elkridge, MD by 9am...he's still in the tournament, but as of right now, his team is 3-0 and he has hit all 11 times he was up to bat...two of those times were homeruns!! He has a 6pm game this evening (July 5th) and has qualified for the quarter finals tomorrow night...keep your fingers crossed! (FYI...Connor will be competing in the State Championships next weekend, so stay tuned!)
And now to the VERY exciting news...did I say Mandy was Wes' girlfriend!?!? How quickly things change...for the BETTER!! Change that to FIANCE!! Wes and Mandy got engaged on July 4th!! This picture was taken the day before up at the Woods...we are thrilled for the two of them and wish them nothing but happiness. :-)