It's been awhile since I've posted...hello to my favorite three readers!!
I have so many cool things to share...not as many pictures as usual...but lots of fun news! Since I last posted we celebrated my nephew's birthday...he turned TWELVE...where on Earth does time go?!?! Anyway...I got a GREAT shot of the four kids that night at Buffalo Wild of our favorite hang outs!
ALSO...since I've last posted...Bob has had his knee replaced...and I never even blogged about his HIP replacement...did you know we're creating the Million Dollar Man???
He had his right hip replaced the first week of January and he had the left knee replaced the first week of March...he is healing very well, his hip is feeling great, and he's working on the knee now...he'll be back coaching first base in no time....
Speaking of baseball...probably some of the most exciting news of all...

WOOHOO...he has had three scrimmages, had a great showing on the mound, and had his first single as a UHS player! His first game is this Thursday and we couldn't be more excited for him!
In other sports news...Kate Wills finished her first season as a basketball player...she had a lot of fun and is a really good dribbler, if I do say so myself!! She just had her team party this past week at Fosters and received her trophy!!
QUESTION: What do kids do on the first 78 degree day?!
ANSWER: Wash cars...or should I say, wash themselves?!!?
Kate, Ava, Jake, and Jacob took out the hose last week when it hit close to 80 degrees and made some money...they washed three cars and themselves and had a great time...they are such hams!
'til next time...