Kate Wills' birthday celebration seems to go on for quite a while...but her two favorite celebrations were at her Godparents' house and her birthday party! It's hard to believe my baby girl is EIGHT YEARS OLD!!

This is the CW we are accustomed to!
We had the honor of attending Hannah's ballet company's rendition of a Christmas Carol...she was amazing!
Anastasi women baking Christmas cookies...an annual tradition!

The Anastasi Christmas Party

I took a day off school to take Kate to the American Girl cafe with some of her friends...we had a great time and I believe started yet another Christmastime tradition!!

Kate's class joined the rest of the second grade making gingerbread houses..however, Kate's class made German homesteads...they had been studying German culture!

On December 22, we celebrated Megan's Adoption Day with one of our favorite families EVER!! The kids are always hamming it up when they're together!

Kate's Godparents gifted her with a mani/pedi for Christmas!
Christmas Eve...

Christmas morning....

we were all gifted with safety vests for Christmas...

...they came in handy as the sun went down and everyone was trying to figure out how to get the football out of the tree...after throwing tons of rocks at the football, Jake came up with a brilliant idea...let's take a big rock, throw it on the pile of rocks to split it into smaller rocks, and then throw more...well, that idea led to...
Jake cut his finger open and had to have it glued back together...nothing like a little ER visit on Christmas Day!

We had no idea how blessed with space we were...
...until this happened...
Doesn't matter how we got there...this is what was waiting for us...Evan Robert Wills, 6 months old. He is such a happy guy...and Robert and Kim are wonderful parents...we had a great time being together!
YUP...transmission problem...again...
however this time, it resulted in needing to leave the van in Roanoke for the week...
we rented a car...and let's just say the space wasn't quite the same...
at the end of the Tennessee pictures, you'll see what I mean!