Let me start by saying...I love a lot of things about blogger, but the one thing I don't like is loading pictures...and this time I loaded ALL of my pictures in backwards order...and it takes FOREVER to fix it...so if you could just start at the bottom and scroll up, you will get time order....so...scroll down now and the comments will go from the bottom, too! Thanks for playing!
'til next time...
So now you're back to the top (or the end...whichever way you look at it!) We're expecting more precipitation this week...we've missed three days of school already...but we have two more...can't let them go to waste, right!

...well, let's just say they get all their mad skills from their mama!!
And now...the highlight of the weekend...a MOM free-throw contest during half time of Jake's game...one mom from our team...one mom from the other...guess who won?!?!
Kate was so happy to bump into her buddy, Emma!

Bernie kept whining wanting the kids to play with him!

Does this grin say "NO FEAR" to you?!@?

again...no snow pants...just jeans...
Kate's favorite way down the hill!!
and a long walk back up...

It is a very fun, long ride down....
Later in the week we decided to hit the big hill between the library and the pool...we don't have any pictures of Cody because he was TAKING the pictures...I think he may have a career in photography!! Both Connor and Jake did a lot of snowboarding (is it called snowboarding if they spend more time on their rear ends than the board?)

Real men don't wear snowpants...they wear pj bottoms...

Can't shovel without a snowball fight, right?

Some of our very favorite people shoveled with us!

Bernie LOVES the snow.

Are they cute or what?!
We got 12 inches of snow last week...and we decided to shovel (and play) around 10:30 pm when the majority of the snow had already fallen...enjoy these fun pictures! My favorite is this first one of the three kids!