list some of the things the boys have been doing to occupy their time...shoveling, video games, sledding, video games, shooting hoops, video games, "scooter races", video games...anyone seeing a pattern...their favorite place, and where they'd stay all day if they didn't have a mom who yelled, "time to do something else" is...well, see for yourself...
...jake is absent from the picture because he is at his friend's house...probably playing video games...
And then there is does she stay busy?!
...dancing and singing, talking, playing school, talking, drawing, talking, playing Webkinz, talking, and playing Monopoly with Payton...oh, and did I mention...talking? that girl...
...enough is enough...we need SPRING!...
...enough is enough...we need SPRING!...
...just found the cord to download pictures that are on the internal memory of my camera...and when I plugged it in, I found these fun pictures...they have nothing to do with anything, but maybe they'll give you a warm feeling inside...we could all use a warm feeling right about now...
..."the tree" in Robert and Kim's front yard...

...everybody needs a little "Fancy Nancy" in their lives...

..."Fall" (said in a longing voice)... cool dude...

...are we cool or what?...

...stay warm...