Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just six years ago...

Just six years ago...
my family lived in Germantown and we thought driving to Frederick was a day trip.
Just six years ago...
I was a stay-at-home-Mom.
Just six years ago...
I was the mother of three boys.

My goodness how much can change in six years.

This past weekend we celebrated one of the best things to happen to us in six years time...
Kate Wills.
She had twenty of her nearest and dearest friends to celebrate in a way only fitting of our girl...
a "Hannah Montana", sing 'til your throat hurts, dance 'til your tired, hoe down, throw down party!
I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story...let's just say that Bob and I haven't seen her that happy, maybe ever.




And suffice it to say...even 12 year olds can rock out at a 6 year olds' birthday party!

Just six years ago...the word blog didn't even exist.

Change is good.

Next post...the story of Jake's soccer tournament!