Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I have this fear...

Well, my goodness...so many things could follow that statement! But this moment's fear is that there is some loyal, crazy reader who clicks on this site every so often and is utterly disappointed there aren't any updates...the truth?

I am way over my head as a Mommy...I have three (at home) amazing kids who are busy, a husband who is busy, a job that keeps me busy, and I am having trouble keeping my head above water...SOOOOOOO...we're fine...not a lot to report...sports coming along, work coming along, dance coming along, Halloween just coming, Kate's birthday coming, heck, Thanksgiving is coming...

Do you remember that poem?!?!

Thanksgiving's coming,
The turkey's getting fat,
Won't you please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha' penny will do.
If you haven't got a ha' penny,
God Bless You.

OK...first of all...what the heck is a ha' penny...I mean I know it's a half penny, but were there such coins?!

Secondly...I never liked that version...why does the old MAN get the money?!?! :-)

Here's my remake of that old poem/song...

Thanksgiving's coming,
I'm gettting fat,
Won't you please just give me your hat.
If you haven't got a hat,
Your wallet will do,
If you haven't got a wallet,
Join the club.

Thought that was more appropriate for the economy...what do you think? Hopefully after this weekend I'll have some pictures to share...have a great weekend!