Last time I blogged, we were just finishing up the science fair...right after that we celebrated is by far my favorite holiday of the year...and one I never take for granted...I have so much to be thankful for! This year Kate wrote the prayer that is said before our meal and delivered it beautifully...she is so grown up. The boys had their annual football game joined by one of my dearest friends from elementary school, Kenneth. He spent the whole day with us which was such a treat, and hopefully the beginning of a long standing tradition! There was a lot of football watching done by all, delicious food on the table thanks to Pat and Bob...and so many other memories made. We had 21 sitting for dinner and 24 by dessert time...and we were all so happy to be together for the day.

The kids and I hopped in the car the next morning headed to Rehoboth for our annual "after Thanksgiving trip" with my sister, little Francis, and my parents. We did some Christmas shopping, some relaxing, and we made our annual trip to see the lights in Ocean City. It is a weekend I always look forward to! Unfortunately, Bob did not come with us...he is very busy looking for a job...he was unexpectedly laid off in the middle of he stayed home to edit and revise his resume as well as get some things done around the house!
We met Bob on the way home from the beach at Gaver Tree Farm where we found two beauties and cut them down. We love this tradition and topped it off with hot chocolate, lots of marshmallows, and yummy cookies!
We spent the next week getting the house ready as I had my annual ornament exchange with the ladies AND...and more importantly...we were preparing for the arrival of ROBERT and KIM!!
The rest of the next week gets a little dicey...
-LATE Thursday night (12/2) - Robert and Kim arrived
- Friday morning - I FOUND OUT I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!! This was extremely exciting news...Robert and Kim waited until they got to see us in person to tell us...Kim is three months pregnant already and due in June!
-Friday at noon - Bob took Connor (who had been sick for a week) back to the doctor only to be sent to the ER and admitted...worried about his breathing due to the asthma brought on by the virus
-Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - we all tried to go about our weekend and enjoy each other while taking turns staying with Connor and/or hanging out in the hospital together (it was crazy)
-Monday night - Connor was released from the hospital
-Tuesday - "the Wills Family shut in"...all kids and I took off school to hang out with Robert and Kim - that evening, all family came over to hang with them before they left
-Wednesday - Robert and Kim went back to Tennessee
All in was a wonderful time...luckily, although Connor was kept for three nights, we knew he would be ok...not every parent in the Pediatric Ward has that sense of comfort...we knew it was a matter of time before his numbers stablilized and we could take him home...and while he was there, we made the best of it...lots of take out food and meals for 7 in the hospital room!! The biggest bummer is...I was so crazy those few days, I never took pictures. ;-(
And since then....we have partied our way to Christmas...we had the Anastasi Christmas Party first...FIVE generations of Anastasis in one room...eating, singing, visiting with Santa...and organized by "you know who"...I didn't come by it by accident! My Mom and Dad are a big part of the organization of the party and they love to show off their grandkids!
This event was followed by Kate's dance recital (no big deal...she just played CLARA in the Nutcracker for her studio), we saw A Christmas Carol at the Weinberg the next weekend, baked Christmas cookies for two days straight...and no surprise here... a few basketball games were thrown in the mix!
I love this time of the year...and it has proven to be full of excitement...I wish each and every one of you three readers a joyous holiday season and a healthy and happy new year!
Karen aka "Nonna" (that's grandma in Italian)
To see a video of our December happenings, click on the words "Christmas 2010" below. Enjoy!