Wanna take a guess what I'm doing in this picture?!?!
Read on and you'll find out!

I truly do not know where to begin...I guess I will just take you through it in order. We started off Saturday morning at Kate's first soccer game of the season...she had a great game! She scored a goal and was very aggressive! In the last quarter she played goalie...and I can truly say that having three brothers prepared her pretty darn well for this job...she wasn't planning on letting any soccer ball get past her....I will upload the video as soon as I get it from my sister...thank you, Lisa for filming!
Then we left there and went to Jake and Connor's basketball game. They are playing for BCWB in downtown Frederick. This league is the same league they played in this summer. And 5th-8th graders play on the same team...these are the only two seasons Jake and Connor will play together EVER...and we are all enjoying it. Their team, "The Average Joes" won 50 something to 12...they have a great team.
From there, Connor and Bob headed to the baseball field where Connor began his first of a double header, while Jake, Kate and I headed downtown to the "In the Streets" festival...where Kate and I participated in a "flash mob"...I have attended a few practices since this summer and I taught Kate the dance just this past week. About 60 people broke into dance unexpectedly in the middle of the streets of Frederick...take a look...
I am a HUGE "Glee" fan, so I LOVE the music...it was just SO much fun! I am hoping we do it again somewhere soon...now that a lot of people have seen it, they want to participate, too. The video is courtesy of Jake from his special perch...

Unfortunately I do not have good footage of Kate doing the dance because she was in the back of the crowd...but I have some other cute ones of her and her buddy, Emma!

Once that was over, Kate, Jake, Francis, Emma, and I headed to the end of the first baseball game. We stayed for both games. Connor's team played the same team twice and beat them both times...Connor pitched extremely well and had a line drive out to left field. It was a single, and then Logan hit a triple to bring Connor home. It was a very fun game!
Now, keep in mind, we left the house at 8:30 am and did not return until 7 pm...and we now own a DOG!!! However...we also have AWESOME neighbors who let him out a couple times Saturday and then we gave him tons of love upon our return!
So that's a day in the life...I know I'm blessed...but Lord, am I tired.
It's all worth it and...
it's all good...
'til next time...